Filby Parish Council

Welcome to Filby
Filby is a lively and vibrant village approximately 6 miles from Great Yarmouth. With the main road of the settlement stretching some 1.5 miles in length, Filby is well known for its hanging baskets and floral displays throughout the summer, with many visitors driving through just to see the award winning displays.​

Filby has a village hall, a Club Room and a Playing Field, all of which are used regularly for various events, activities and can be hired out. The annual fireworks display brings visitors from far and wide.
With a total population of just 765 people, and 328 households, the entire parish occupies 2.24 square miles.
The parish is part of the Fleggburgh ward of Great Yarmouth Borough Council, and the West Flegg county division. The Borough Councillor is Mr Adrian Thompson and the County Councillor is Mr Andy Grant.
Filby Parish Council consists of 7 elected representatives who look after the general running of the parish. They meet six times per year to discuss issues and address any concerns parishioners may raise.
This website aims to provide a snapshot of life in Filby, as well as keeping the public up to date on the activities of the Parish Council. If you have any feedback or comments regarding the website, please feel free to contact the Parish Council using the details below